On December 13, 2023, Vancouver City Council passed a motion seeking provincial endorsement for the elimination of the Park Board. The ruling ABC majority has given strong indications that they are seeking the privatization of parks assets and operations as a short-term attempt to balance the municipal budget, embedded within a wider project of neoliberal restructuring.
Category Archive: ABC Vancouver
ABC’s decision to close Larwill Place will further exacerbate mass homelessness in the name of developer profits. It also signals the end of the Temporary Modular Housing experiment, dreamed up by planners more than a decade ago.
Yesterday tenants from 2325 Glen Drive delivered a collective letter to their landlord, Deecorp Properties Ltd. The letter, signed by a supermajority of tenants, calls on Deecorp to cancel the eviction notice that was served to their neighbour, Keir Nicoll. The notice Keir received claims that the landlord intends to move a building caretaker into his suite. Two of the building’s 12 units are currently already unoccupied and listed on Airbnb.
This past Saturday, June 17, Mayor Ken Sim launched “Vancouver Beautification Day,” a new city-wide event dedicated to fighting graffiti and vandalism on public and private property. “Beautification” through graffiti removal may seem like benign neighborhood improvement, but this government has shown they are willing to scrub away people too.